Accessing Multiple Adobe Creative Cloud Accounts
Adobe has changed the way you access your accounts. You will now have to choose a profile that allows you to accomplish a desired task dependent on the Adobe application you need. You can switch back and forth between profiles depending on the task at hand.
When you login to (or an Adobe application) with your address, you will see all your profiles there ie:
- Student (Marymount College – Student Pack) : Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc. application privileges
Business (Marymount Manhattan College) : Adobe Sign Application access privileges
- Personal (Personal Profile) : a Trial account for personal use to any software you'd like to pay for yourself
The Student (Marymount Manhattan - Student Pack) MMC profile allows you to access the rest of the Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Premiere, etc.).
Adobe Sign is not included in the student license only Acrobat DC. Acrobat DC allows you to edit pdf documents and request signatures, but you won't have access to MMC forms and templates.
The Business (Marymount Manhattan) MMC profile allows you to access MMC forms and templates and request signatures using the Adobe Sign application.
The Personal Profile (is a TRIAL Account) in case you’d like to pay for a subscription license yourself for personal use outside of MMC work.